Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Letter To An Empowered Pastor

I understand we all have a right to an opinion. I myself hold beliefs that others close to me strongly object to, and I in turn cannot relate or comprehend their beliefs in some matters. We are each our own person, and we have the American right to protect and defend our beliefs as much as we are able. However, the Constitution never once says we have the right to inflict verbal and emotional harm upon others for the sake of our beliefs. The Constitution does not grant us the power to spew our vile hatred in a place of learning and acceptance, public the place may be. The Constitution ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT give us the freedom to mock, and deride, and berate, and admonish others for something that is near and dear to their hearts.
How is it your right, sir, to cause distress to me and mine, by spreading around your intolerant ignorance of matters you refuse to even educate yourself of? How is it your right, sir, to tell me what I am NOT to do behind closed doors, within the sanctity of my own bed? How is it your right, sir, to come to a place where my peers and I are attempting to learn how to better our world, and rain down your prejudice and judgement on our Green?
Some stood by and laughed as you preached. I can understand why, you looked ridiculous in your getup as you tore down everything I stand for. Others just smiled bitterly, they'd already had their turn at defending their side of the story and tearing down YOUR beliefs with a few well chosen turns of phrase. A few more perhaps nodded along to your bile, confirming what you felt deep inside, though never once speaking up in defense of you and yours. 
I instead, began to tremble. 
I literally couldn't believe you had such balls, to stand there and say what you said, wear what your wore, with such PRIDE. A deadly sin, no? Yet there you stood, so proud to preach to campus members, tired from classes and work, as they circled around you like hyenas watching their bumbling pathetic prey.
And pathetic you are.
You can mock. You can deride. You can berate. You can spill your hatred of everything I feel and hope for and love.
But I know Jesus said not one word against homosexuals, despite your frenzied ranting.
I know the Bible also says women who've recently given birth should be steered clear of for at least a week, for their bodies are dirty and sinful. Would you lock away your post-partum wife in a room somewhere, good sir?
I know the Bible forbids the eating of lobster. Do you like seafood?
I know the Bible says not one word against slavery, yet you'll never see me with someone kneeling at my feet.
And I know, if I were to fall in love with a woman, my friends, family, and Sisters would stand by me, cheer us on, march at our sides in a Pride Parade, and have places of honor at our wedding.
I know any children we had together would have so much love in their lives, of so many races, genders, ethnicities, and varied appearances they could never judge something so pure they way you can.
I don't know how you came to your conclusions.
I don't know how you can look me in the eye as you disparage everything this country stands for.
But I know something you do not.
I know in the end, the gays will win out.
They will have marriage.
They will have babies.
They will have the freedom to serve openly in the military.
The real question is.
What will you have?

-Nicki Valentine

"I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong." -John Lennon

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