Monday, June 24, 2013


Sometimes, I like to read.

That statement was a total lie.

I LOVE to read. I read while I'm watching TV, listening to music, eating, in the bath, on break at work, before I fall asleep. I am constantly close to my phone or a paperback. I get itchy when I don't have the OPTION of reading, even if I don't actually want to read at that moment. It's probably a legitimate problem, but I could honestly care less if it is, so there's that.

I'm really weird about my reading habits though. I'm weird about a lot of things, but I've heard, numerous times, that my reading habits are towards the top of my Awkward list. 

I will be in the middle of several books at one time. If you enter my room, you'll see several books lying propped up or with worn bookmarks poking out between browned pages.

My Current List:
The Notebook
Ender's Game
Death Comes to Pemberley
Coco Chanel
Pride & Prejudice

And that list doesn't include my fanfics I'm following. 

For those out there who don't know what fanfiction is, stop reading, and google that shit. It can change your life, and you may begin a new addiction, which is always fun.

Reading fanfics apparently is also weird. So, if picking up a book, putting it down four chapters in, and continuing another book 12 chapters in isn't odd enough, the twenty or so incomplete fan made works of fiction definitely freaks some of the more infantile bookworms out.

I disregard the opinions of those who do not love the written word, as theirs is an uneducated thought that bears little mind.

But really. I'm not sure how I can also start following other people's blogs on the regular, as I'm still learning my way around blogspot, and have UTTERLY no time with the books I'm trying to read for fun, the books I now have to read for class, and work on the side. Trying to pick up on backreading someone's blog to get caught up, and then following them every week, would be hell on earth.

Despite my love of the idea, and the possibility I may get more inspiration for my own blog. Speaking of which! I seem to have trouble coming up with things to write about. I always do well when someone poses an argument, or gives me a thought to think on, but without such a nudge, I- like many others before my time- get stuck.

I mean, if Jenna Marbles can do it...

-Nicki Valentine

"A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read." -Mark Twain

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