Monday, December 23, 2013

Shine Bright, Shine Far

What if every star in existence ever is actually the galaxy's representation of every soul?

Like, as a person is born, their star disappears from the night sky. As if the Milky Way is saying, your light shines so bright on Earth it has no need for a less luminous imitation. How scientists must be baffled, wondering at how stars are formed and how they die, when the answer is quite simple. 

And when a person's body dies, their soul rises once again with the moon, making that trip to return home with the rest of the souls who have come and gone before? And they shine so bright, looking out over the poor folk who feel left behind on Earth. Funny, the star-soul thinks, how dull and meaningless these people think they are, when in reality they cannot see how much brighter they glow when their gleam is given a frame from which to shine from.

And in truth, the star-souls are quite lovely in all their splendor. But one standing alone will never be so remarkable as a constellation, a glittering collection, portraying a picture with a thousand blazing mini suns. 

And once again, the star-souls sigh, we must stand together to obtain true recognition, and all the while, one embodied star can stand up in a crowd and immediately achieve anything they so wish, if only they unleash their glow.

How lucky these foolish humans are. To shine so bright, and yet never see such a beautiful reflection beaming back.

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